
The Match

Glaring eyes from end to end
Thoughts of defeating you
Even though you are my friend
In my stance a bounce
But yours a steadiness
I’m in my corner waiting

I move swiftly on my feet
But you move purposefully
Floating like a butterfly
But swinging like a chimpanzee
I’m determined to see if I can win
Determined to be right in this argument

Take me out this round you will
The next I’ll beat you to the core
How should love be measured?
Now that I’m gasping on the floor
In this never ending battle
Of low lying humility

We take a time out
I center myself completely
You take on a new doubt
I suppress my anxiety
So that we both can meet again
And raise another fist

Glaring eyes from end to end
Of a fearless enemy who was my friend
I’m ready now to take on my glory
Of this twisted two page Rocky Balboa story
Starring two hopeless lovers, holding their better selves back,
in a boxing ring

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