
the cup

your thoughts were like mine
we both rode on by the same blue horizon
you took me in your grace

we met face to face
we recognized each other
our hopes were one

we drank from the same cup
we bathed in the same sea
we unknowingly sailed together peacefully

A tempest began to brew
she separated us, now it's me and you
my ship no longer touches your shore

i can't seem to catch up
i think we lost the cup
and now we both see things differently

i found a new place
a new world to embrace
in hopes you travel with Godspeed

because i'll always love you the same
there is no one to blame
it's just how life was meant to be

truth is
you are still, forever in me


Tabula Rasa said...

who you talk about?

Iheartfarang said...

oh, tabula, if I only knew...